Saturday, August 2, 2014

Staying Positive

After a few weeks of writing this blog, each time I find myself battling how to convey a positive outlook in my writing.  It is inevitable that writing about infertility and its difficulties  reveals the tough moments in life that you would have never imagined.  Many times the thoughts lead to doubts or grief and the daily battle to overcome these emotions.  The pain is real and the negativity is there as Sarah and I work each day through our faith and our love for each other to rise above the hurt and disparaging thoughts that can consume you if you let them.

So how do we battle this on a daily basis?  How do we remain positive despite all the potential negativity that surrounds us?  We work at it together!  You see my worry (and I tend to over analyze things to much, just ask my wife) is that we come across as spiteful or negative about the issues we are going through when that is the opposite of the truth.  While we obviously have our struggles and tough moments, Sarah and I live each day as positively as we can and feel very blessed for what we have versus what we do not have in our lives.  Take for one our dog Smokey who blesses each of our days and help fill the void in our family.  He is has a personality all his own and has made it clear by the picture below his distaste for a potential new baby brother or sister!

What this blog is about for me is facing my fears head on and not hiding from them in the shadows. I have recently been reading a wonderful book by the witty author Jon Acuff titled Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average & Do Work That Matters.  In the book the author discusses the voices that you hear in the back of your head on the daily basis.  These voices are different than what many would describe as your "conscious."  Your conscious is the little devil or angel sitting on your shoulder telling you right from wrong.  The voices that Jon describes so eloquently are the ones that bring fear and doubt into your mind.  We all have them and hear them on a daily basis...."Am I good enough?", "Does my body look fit enough?", "Why would anyone read my blog?"  These voices put fear into our hearts and minds that prevent us from in the author's words living and "Awesome" life.  They prevent us from living life to the fullest or reaching our potential, not because we are not good enough but because the voice inside our head questions us from even trying or starting something great.  It was those voices that made me question why I would even start writing or blog or putting it out for others to read.  It was while I was reading this book that I decided to fight back at my voices and live my life without fear and publish my blog.  Three weeks into blogging, I have had over 5,000 visits to my site and an average viewing of each blog of over 600 people.  Wow!  I never would have dreamed that would be the case and absolutely would have never known had I listened to the voices of doubt in my head.

Thus that is the reason for this blog.  The blog is not for you, my family, or most days even my wife though it does benefit our relationship together.  This blog is for me to attack my fears and worries in life and to live an AWESOME life!  Jon Acuff in his book tells readers to write down the voices they hear each day of fear and doubt.  It is the first step in working to address you fears and that is what this blog has done for me.  It has allowed me to write down my fears and put them out there for others to see.  This blog holds me accountable for living through my fears and not behind them.  It has opened up many messages back and forth with old friends, helped build a support network for Sarah and I, and most importantly helped to strengthen the relationship between the two of us.  No one says you have to write your fears out in a blog for all to see, but today start writing down those voices of doubt in your head.  Do this everyday for a week and see what voices are holding you back.  It is the first step in attacking your fears and starting on a path to a more fulfilling and awesome life!

Everyday I wake up excited about what is in store and thankful for the many wonderful blessings that I have in my life.  Whatever God has planned for Sarah and I, I cannot wait to see and make it as AWESOME as I can!!

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