Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why in the world are we buying a bigger home?

You may have seen lately that we are looking to sell our home here in Speedway.  We currently have an accepted offer on another home a few blocks away that allows us to stay in the Speedway community.  So why in the world would we be moving into a bigger home?  Why would we do this, especially when our family right now consists of Sarah and I and you have read of our struggles to become pregnant. 
Well, don’t think you are the only one who has asked that question.  It is a question that has been tossed back and forth in our house quite frequently since we began looking at the home we placed an offer on a week ago.  We have been looking at homes in the Speedway area for a little over a year now thinking that we needed to prepare to have a little larger home for what we hoped would be our growing family.  As we placed our offer on the current house, we were still in the waiting stages of last month’s IUI process.  Dancing in our heads were dreams of an accepted offer a new house to go with our exciting news of expecting.  We ended up one for two on the month with the house being our lone base hit.  Now depending on which day you talked with Sarah and I last week, that base hit ranged from a grand slam home run to a bloop single over a slow footed second basemen falling flat on his face.  In those days we would go from overly ecstatic about our new home to worried about our ability to fill all of the space.

The big question was why do we need such a big house if we don’t even have children yet and we are struggling so to get pregnant.  These emotions raged back and forth in our minds.  On the day that Sarah realized the IUI had not worked, we were battling back and forth on whether to continue with the process a half hour before our realtor was to arrive.  We obviously didn’t need the bigger house and we knew many other friends who were in tighter situations in their homes than we were currently.  Then the biggest question about the house came deep out of the fear that resided in both of us…”what if we are never able to get pregnant?”  We worried about being stuck in this larger home with no children and tons of space to remind us of that fact.  After many discussions back and forth, we decided to stay the course and place the offer on the house and put ours of for sale.  What in the end put us on this course?

1.      Large homes in Speedway are hard to find in good condition.  Especially ones who will allow you to place a contingency on selling your house in the offer.

2.      This home has many of the items on our wish list including things we don’t have currently like an attached garage and a large open kitchen and floor plan.

3.      We felt in the end if five years from now we wanted to sell the home, we would be able to do so fairly easily. 

4.      The home we are purchasing fits within Dave Ramsey’s rules of 20% down and no more than 25% of our take home pay on a 15 year mortgage.

5.      Finally, our undying faith that God’s plan is for us to have children and in buying this house we are simply preparing for those faithful days ahead.

I always knew that attempting to buy a new home would be a stressful process.  It is for many people and for many reasons.  However, I did not anticipate our fertility issues causing the worry that it has and the doubts that caused us to pause over our decision.  To say the process went as simply as it seems written would be a lie.  The worry and consternation that Sarah and I have had during these two weeks has been an up and down ride.  In the end we feel confident in our decision, faithful in God’s plan, and now hopeful that our house will sell to complete the process.  Now we wait for what is hopefully that fateful day when we are able to move into our new home and begin filling it with a family of our own!

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